However, I am beginning to appreciate one TV show more than I ever thought I could. That show would be NBC's Biggest Loser. The quality of the show, the contestants, the drama...none of these keep me watching each Tuesday night. The show is actually the backdrop to a weekly dinner with my brother, sister, and who ever else wants to come. This past week the neighbor and a friend of my sister who lives down the street came. I can't really pinpoint it but there is something about taking the time to cook a homemade dinner, sit down at the dinner table with real dishes, and converse with people outside of my small bubble of school that make me keep coming back for more.
The dinner each week keeps me grounded and prevents me from getting burnt out. The whorl-wind of medical school is similar to the Wizard of Oz, except Oz is a building on campus connected to the hospital and the wicked witch of the west is the USMLE test that is always in the back of my mind. For me I don't think that by being in medical school means I need to give up my live for 4 yrs. Perhaps if I did I could score a few point higher on my tests but in the end I am willing to sacrifice those points for happiness.
Oh one last thing, I am rooting for Rudy to win!