My next step will begin in June when I enter my third year and start clinical rotations. But before the rotations begin I must take the first part of my medical licensure exam known as the USMLE Step 1. That is what every second year medical school student focuses on. The score earned on this exam is used by the residency programs to determine if they want you for their program meaning that for some, it will be the deciding factor on what specialty they choose.
Perhaps that is what scares everyone so much. What I am getting at is there is enormous pressure to do well on the Step 1 exam while still trying to balance your current schoolwork, your sanity, and your relationships. So I guess school is the excuse I am using why I haven’t blogged in 3 months.
My new goal, as of this past weekend, is to get back into blogging. The quality might not be very high and the grammar is most likely not going to be the best (keep in mind I am not a journalist) but I am going to make an effort. Each Monday I will post a new blog and possibly more frequently as things come up.